Tarkio R-I School

Employment Opportunities

Open Positions in the Tarkio R-1 District for the 2024-2025 School Year




The Tarkio R-I School District is accepting applications for a paraprofessional for the current school year. The paraprofessional must be able to communicate effectively with students and teachers and work as a team with other members of the district. The successful candidate must be able to handle stressful situations and honor confidentiality of students and staff. Paraprofessionals are required to obtain 60 college credit hours, or have passed the Paraprofessional Assessment or have completed the 20 Hour Substitute Certificate Course. Please see our district website for an application. 

Please submit a letter of interest and application to Mrs. Kari Taylor at taykar@tarkio.k12.mo.us or mail to 1201 Pine Street Tarkio, MO 64491.

Available Coaching Position-
Assistant HS Baseball
JH Track Head Coach
Junior High Football Assistant.

Snow Removal Bid


Please see www.moteachingjobs.com for a full more information.